Month: December 2015

Day 366+

This week marks 1 year since I quit my full time career in the medical device industry to run Orange Mud full time. Granted it was a full time second job for the previous couple years, just with way too many nights and way to many loooonnggg weekends. All this with 2

Emotion gets the job done.

Facebook is a crazy tool. There is so much to see and do there daily, who really has time for work right? Well as a business it’s flat out ridiculous to keep up with, but it’s an amazing resource that if used properly allows us to engage with our audience

Company Branded Promotional Products

I’ve always loved buying fun promotional products that our customers enjoy. Our latest has been a real “treat”, literally. I met a colleague of mine recently in New York that has this awesome idea of putting a custom message on a fortune cookie. Seriously why not right? In marketing terms the open

Urban Hippy Tripster Pack “Say what?”

The Urban Hippy Tripster Pack is the perfect pack for hauling around your macbook, passports, and daily essentials.

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